Scale out your emotions and level the playing field.

Allowing each to take its course and fulfill its presence here.

Take the good with the bad to find what’s really there.

Healing doesn’t just show up without leveling out the playing field.

If you can allow negative emotions, actions and perspectives to linger near.

Why not make room for those uplifting, life shifting emotions to pull up a chair?

Take a look from the outside in, allow your judgments to be paused while you scope out the adjustments clear.

Leaning into the reality you dream to share, allowing those imaginations to finally appear.

Don’t lose sight of the vision that’s bright, it’s here.

Your faith and belief has to rain heavy for it to blossom near.

As the saying goes, write it down, make it plain so the mission is clear.

Allow yourself an advantage by leveling out the playing field.

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